Money & Conflict Luncheon

Money MOrtgage

Money MOrtgage

Krista is presenting at the Alternate Dispute Resolution Luncheon  Tuesday February 19th in Edmonton.

It should come as no surprise that money woes can be the cause of marital and family stress; unemployment or poor spending habits can exacerbate the situation. One can easily conclude that
this reality extends well beyond just the family unit.

The FOAJ & ADRIA are pleased to present two speakers this month that will offer their experience, insights and resources to better understand the money & conflict dynamic. What skills or resources might be available to you when assisting families though these difficult conversations or decisions?



As a mortgage broker, Krista Lindstrom has focused her own practice on families facing separation and divorce, and walking her clients through the complexities of restructuring mortgages and finances to retain the marital home, often with the bets interest of their children in mind.Knowing that life isn’t always easy, particularly at the end of a relationship, Krista has dedicated herself to
helping people navigate all possible mortgage options when facing separation and divorce. Krista believes that Knowledge is Power, and will share her personal experiences in dealing with families in conflict. Attendees will gain insights into approaches, tools and resources that would be useful in their


Second presenter is Manraj Waraich, from the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit service helping individuals and families find their best options to deal with their debt and get their finances back on track. Manraj will present Financial First aid for Mediation Professional, assisting us all to learn how financial stress impacts our clients, to recognize the signs of financial stress, and to know what strategies and resources might be available to assist them.


Tuesday, February 19
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Buffet Royale West
17202 95 Ave NW
Money & Conflict
$25 for members & $35 non-members


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